Source code for dpgen.generator.lib.run_calypso

"""calypso as model devi engine:
1. gen_structures
2. analysis
3. model devi.

import glob
import os
import random
import shutil
import sys
from itertools import combinations
from pathlib import Path

import dpdata
from import Trajectory
from import write_vasp
from packaging.version import Version

from dpgen import dlog
from dpgen.dispatcher.Dispatcher import make_submission
from dpgen.generator.lib.parse_calypso import _parse_calypso_input
from dpgen.generator.lib.utils import create_path, make_iter_name

train_name = "00.train"
model_devi_name = "01.model_devi"
fp_name = "02.fp"
calypso_run_opt_name = "gen_stru_analy"
calypso_model_devi_name = "model_devi_results"

[docs] def gen_structures( iter_index, jdata, mdata, caly_run_path, current_idx, length_of_caly_runopt_list ): # run calypso # vsc means generate elemental, binary and ternary at the same time vsc = jdata.get("vsc", False) # take CALYPSO as confs generator model_devi_group_size = mdata["model_devi_group_size"] model_devi_resources = mdata["model_devi_resources"] api_version = mdata.get("api_version", "1.0") iter_name = make_iter_name(iter_index) work_path = os.path.join(iter_name, model_devi_name) assert os.path.isdir(work_path) calypso_run_opt_path = caly_run_path calypso_model_devi_path = os.path.join(work_path, calypso_model_devi_name) calypso_path = mdata.get("model_devi_calypso_path") # calypso_input_path = jdata.get('calypso_input_path') all_models = glob.glob(os.path.join(calypso_run_opt_path, "graph*pb")) model_names = [os.path.basename(ii) for ii in all_models] deepmdkit_python = mdata.get("model_devi_deepmdkit_python") command = ( f"{deepmdkit_python} 1>> model_devi.log 2>> model_devi.log" ) # command = "%s %s 1>> model_devi.log 2>> model_devi.log" % (deepmdkit_python,os.path.abspath(calypso_run_opt_path)) # command += " || %s %s " % (deepmdkit_python,os.path.abspath(calypso_run_opt_path)) command += f" || {deepmdkit_python} " commands = [command] cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(calypso_run_opt_path) forward_files = ["POSCAR", "", "", "input.dat"] backward_files = ["OUTCAR", "CONTCAR", "traj.traj", "model_devi.log"] run_calypso = calypso_path + "/calypso.x | tee log" if not vsc: Lpickup = _parse_calypso_input("PickUp", ".") PickUpStep = _parse_calypso_input("PickStep", ".") if os.path.exists(f"tag_pickup_{str(PickUpStep)}"):"caution! tag_pickup_{str(PickUpStep)} exists!") Lpickup = "F" if Lpickup == "T": ftag = open(f"tag_pickup_{str(PickUpStep)}", "w") ftag.close() os.remove("step") fstep = open("step", "w") fstep.write("%12s" % str(PickUpStep)) fstep.close() else: PickUpStep = 1 try: os.mkdir("opt") except Exception: pass popsize = int(_parse_calypso_input("PopSize", ".")) maxstep = int(_parse_calypso_input("MaxStep", ".")) for ii in range(int(PickUpStep) - 1, maxstep + 1):"CALYPSO step {ii}") if ii == maxstep: os.system(f"{run_calypso}") break # run calypso os.system(f"{run_calypso}") for pop in range(ii * int(popsize), (ii + 1) * int(popsize)): try: os.mkdir("task.%03d" % pop) except Exception: shutil.rmtree("task.%03d" % pop) os.mkdir("task.%03d" % pop) shutil.copyfile( "", os.path.join("task.%03d" % pop, ""), ) shutil.copyfile( "", os.path.join("task.%03d" % pop, ""), ) shutil.copyfile( f"POSCAR_{str(pop - ii * int(popsize) + 1)}", os.path.join("task.%03d" % (pop), "POSCAR"), ) shutil.copyfile( "input.dat", os.path.join("task.%03d" % pop, "input.dat") ) # for iii in range(1,popsize+1): # shutil.copyfile('POSCAR_%s'%str(iii),os.path.join('task.%03d'%(iii-1),'POSCAR')) all_task = glob.glob("task.*") all_task.sort() run_tasks_ = all_task run_tasks = [os.path.basename(ii) for ii in run_tasks_] if Version(api_version) < Version("1.0"): raise RuntimeError( f"API version {api_version} has been removed. Please upgrade to 1.0." ) elif Version(api_version) >= Version("1.0"): os.chdir(cwd) submission = make_submission( mdata["model_devi_machine"], mdata["model_devi_resources"], commands=commands, work_path=calypso_run_opt_path, run_tasks=run_tasks, group_size=model_devi_group_size, forward_common_files=model_names, forward_files=forward_files, backward_files=backward_files, outlog="model_devi.log", errlog="model_devi.log", ) submission.run_submission() os.chdir(calypso_run_opt_path) sstep = os.path.join("opt", str(ii)) os.mkdir(sstep) if not os.path.exists("traj"): os.mkdir("traj") for jjj in range(ii * int(popsize), (ii + 1) * int(popsize)): # to opt directory shutil.copyfile( f"POSCAR_{str(jjj + 1 - ii * int(popsize))}", os.path.join(sstep, f"POSCAR_{str(jjj + 1 - ii * int(popsize))}"), ) shutil.copyfile( os.path.join("task.%03d" % (jjj), "OUTCAR"), os.path.join(sstep, f"OUTCAR_{str(jjj + 1 - ii * int(popsize))}"), ) shutil.copyfile( os.path.join("task.%03d" % (jjj), "CONTCAR"), os.path.join(sstep, f"CONTCAR_{str(jjj + 1 - ii * int(popsize))}"), ) # to run calypso directory shutil.copyfile( os.path.join("task.%03d" % (jjj), "OUTCAR"), f"OUTCAR_{str(jjj + 1 - ii * int(popsize))}", ) shutil.copyfile( os.path.join("task.%03d" % (jjj), "CONTCAR"), f"CONTCAR_{str(jjj + 1 - ii * int(popsize))}", ) # to traj shutil.copyfile( os.path.join("task.%03d" % (jjj), "traj.traj"), os.path.join("traj", f"{str(jjj + 1)}.traj"), ) tlist = glob.glob("task.*") for t in tlist: shutil.rmtree(t) else: # -------------------------------------------------------------- type_map = jdata["type_map"] how_many_spec = len(type_map) if how_many_spec == 1:"vsc mode can not work in one-element situation") sys.exit() comp_temp = list(map(list, list(combinations(type_map, 1)))) for hms in range(2, how_many_spec + 1): # comp_temp = [['Mg'],['Al'],['Cu'],['Mg','Al'],['Mg','Cu'],['Al','Cu'],['Mg','Al','Cu']] comp_temp.extend(list(map(list, list(combinations(type_map, hms))))) component = [] for comp_temp_ in comp_temp: component.append( "".join(comp_temp_) ) # component = ['Mg','Al','Cu','MgAl','MgCu','AlCu','MgAlCu'] # calypso_input_path = jdata.get('calypso_input_path') pwd = os.getcwd() if len(glob.glob(f"input.dat.{component[0]}.*")) != 0: os.system("for i in input.dat.*;do mv $i ${i%.*};done") for idx, com in enumerate(component): if not os.path.exists(com): os.mkdir(com) # shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(calypso_input_path,'input.dat.%s'%com),os.path.join(com,'input.dat')) shutil.copyfile(f"input.dat.{com}", os.path.join(com, "input.dat")) os.chdir(com) os.system(run_calypso) os.chdir(pwd) shutil.copyfile(f"input.dat.{component[-1]}", "input.dat") name_list = Path(".").glob("*/POSCAR_*") for idx, name in enumerate(name_list): shutil.copyfile(name, "POSCAR_%s" % (idx + 1)) try: os.mkdir("task.%04d" % (idx + 1)) except Exception: shutil.rmtree("task.%04d" % (idx + 1)) os.mkdir("task.%04d" % (idx + 1)) shutil.copyfile( "", os.path.join("task.%04d" % (idx + 1), ""), ) shutil.copyfile( "", os.path.join("task.%04d" % (idx + 1), ""), ) shutil.copyfile( f"POSCAR_{str(idx + 1)}", os.path.join("task.%04d" % (idx + 1), "POSCAR"), ) shutil.copyfile( "input.dat", os.path.join("task.%04d" % (idx + 1), "input.dat") ) # sys.exit() all_task = glob.glob("task.*") all_task.sort() run_tasks_ = all_task run_tasks = [os.path.basename(ii) for ii in run_tasks_] if Version(api_version) < Version("1.0"): raise RuntimeError( f"API version {api_version} has been removed. Please upgrade to 1.0." ) elif Version(api_version) >= Version("1.0"): os.chdir(cwd) submission = make_submission( mdata["model_devi_machine"], mdata["model_devi_resources"], commands=commands, work_path=calypso_run_opt_path, run_tasks=run_tasks, group_size=model_devi_group_size, forward_common_files=model_names, forward_files=forward_files, backward_files=backward_files, outlog="model_devi.log", errlog="model_devi.log", ) submission.run_submission() os.chdir(calypso_run_opt_path) os.mkdir("opt") if not os.path.exists("traj"): os.mkdir("traj") for jjj in range(len(all_task)): # to opt directory shutil.copyfile( f"POSCAR_{str(jjj + 1)}", os.path.join("opt", f"POSCAR_{str(jjj + 1)}"), ) shutil.copyfile( os.path.join("task.%04d" % (jjj + 1), "OUTCAR"), os.path.join("opt", f"OUTCAR_{str(jjj + 1)}"), ) shutil.copyfile( os.path.join("task.%04d" % (jjj + 1), "CONTCAR"), os.path.join("opt", f"CONTCAR_{str(jjj + 1)}"), ) # to run calypso directory shutil.copyfile( os.path.join("task.%04d" % (jjj + 1), "OUTCAR"), f"OUTCAR_{str(jjj + 1)}", ) shutil.copyfile( os.path.join("task.%04d" % (jjj + 1), "CONTCAR"), f"CONTCAR_{str(jjj + 1)}", ) # to traj shutil.copyfile( os.path.join("task.%04d" % (jjj + 1), "traj.traj"), os.path.join("traj", f"{str(jjj + 1)}.traj"), ) tlist = glob.glob("task.*") for t in tlist: shutil.rmtree(t) # -------------------------------------------------------------- if current_idx < length_of_caly_runopt_list - 1: tobewrite = f"1 {str(current_idx + 1)}\n" elif current_idx == length_of_caly_runopt_list - 1: tobewrite = "2\n" os.chdir(cwd) os.chdir(work_path) f = open("record.calypso", "a+") f.write(tobewrite) f.close() os.chdir(cwd)
[docs] def gen_main(iter_index, jdata, mdata, caly_run_opt_list, gen_idx): iter_name = make_iter_name(iter_index) work_path = os.path.join(iter_name, model_devi_name) current_gen_path = os.path.join( work_path, "%s.%03d" % (calypso_run_opt_name, int(gen_idx)) ) if current_gen_path not in caly_run_opt_list: f"current gen path {current_gen_path} not in caly run opt list {caly_run_opt_list}" ) sys.exit() indice = caly_run_opt_list.index(current_gen_path) for iidx, temp_path in enumerate(caly_run_opt_list): if iidx >= indice: gen_structures( iter_index, jdata, mdata, temp_path, iidx, len(caly_run_opt_list) )
[docs] def analysis(iter_index, jdata, calypso_model_devi_path): # Analysis ms = dpdata.MultiSystems(type_map=jdata["type_map"]) cwd = os.getcwd() iter_name = make_iter_name(iter_index) work_path = os.path.join(iter_name, model_devi_name) deepmd_data_path = os.path.join(work_path, "confs", "deepmd") traj_pos_path = os.path.join(work_path, "confs", "traj_confs") create_path(deepmd_data_path) create_path(traj_pos_path) # trajs to be model devi # traj_path = os.path.join(calypso_run_opt_path,'traj') # traj_list = glob.glob(traj_path+'/*.traj') # 'gen_struc_analy.000/traj/*.traj' 'gen_struc_analy.001/traj/*.traj' 'gen_struc_analy.002/traj/*.traj' traj_list = glob.glob(f"{work_path}/*/traj/*.traj") # read poscar from traj file in confs/traj/*.traj record_traj_num = 0 for traj_name in traj_list: traj_num = os.path.basename(traj_name).split(".")[0] press_num = traj_name.split("/")[-3].split(".")[-1] trajs_origin = Trajectory(traj_name) record_traj_num += len(trajs_origin) if len(trajs_origin) >= 20: trajs = [trajs_origin[iii] for iii in [4, 9, -10, -5, -1]] elif 5 <= len(trajs_origin) < 20: trajs = [ trajs_origin[random.randint(1, len(trajs_origin) - 1)] for iii in range(4) ] trajs.append(trajs[-1]) elif 3 <= len(trajs_origin) < 5: trajs = [trajs_origin[round((len(trajs_origin) - 1) / 2)]] trajs.append(trajs[-1]) elif len(trajs_origin) == 2: trajs = [trajs_origin[0], trajs_origin[-1]] elif len(trajs_origin) == 1: trajs = [trajs_origin[0]] else: pass for idx, traj in enumerate(trajs): write_vasp( os.path.join( traj_pos_path, "%d.%03d.%03d.poscar" % (int(press_num), int(traj_num), int(idx)), ), traj, ) traj_pos_list = glob.glob(traj_pos_path + "/*.poscar") for npos in traj_pos_list: try: ms.append(dpdata.System(npos, type_map=jdata["type_map"])) except Exception as e:, "failed : ", e) if len(ms) == 0:"too little confs, ") raise RuntimeError( "no confs found in Analysis part and this should not happen!" ) if os.path.exists(deepmd_data_path): shutil.rmtree(deepmd_data_path) ms.to_deepmd_raw(deepmd_data_path) ms.to_deepmd_npy(deepmd_data_path) split_lists = glob.glob(os.path.join(deepmd_data_path, "*")) for i, split_list in enumerate(split_lists): strus_path = os.path.join(calypso_model_devi_path, "%03d.structures" % i) if not os.path.exists(strus_path): shutil.copytree(split_list, strus_path) else: shutil.rmtree(strus_path) shutil.copytree(split_list, strus_path) os.chdir(cwd) os.chdir(work_path) f = open("record.calypso", "a+") f.write("3\n") f.close() os.chdir(cwd)
[docs] def run_calypso_model_devi(iter_index, jdata, mdata):"start running CALYPSO") iter_name = make_iter_name(iter_index) work_path = os.path.join(iter_name, model_devi_name) assert os.path.isdir(work_path) calypso_model_devi_path = os.path.join(work_path, calypso_model_devi_name) _caly_run_opt_list = glob.glob( os.path.join(work_path, f"{str(calypso_run_opt_name)}.*") ) caly_run_opt_list = _caly_run_opt_list.copy() # check if gen_struc_analy.000.bk000 in caly_run_opt_list for temp_value in _caly_run_opt_list: if "bk" in temp_value: caly_run_opt_list.remove(temp_value) caly_run_opt_list.sort() cwd = os.getcwd() record_calypso_path = os.path.join(work_path, "record.calypso") while True: if not os.path.exists(record_calypso_path): f = open(record_calypso_path, "w") f.write("1 0\n") lines = ["1 0\n"] f.close() else: f = open(record_calypso_path) lines = f.readlines() f.close() if lines[-1].strip().strip("\n").split()[0] == "1": # Gen Structures gen_index = lines[-1].strip().strip("\n").split()[1] gen_main(iter_index, jdata, mdata, caly_run_opt_list, gen_index) elif lines[-1].strip().strip("\n") == "2": # Analysis & to deepmd/raw analysis(iter_index, jdata, calypso_model_devi_path) elif lines[-1].strip().strip("\n") == "3": # Model Devi _calypso_run_opt_path = os.path.abspath(caly_run_opt_list[0]) all_models = glob.glob(os.path.join(_calypso_run_opt_path, "graph*pb")) cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(calypso_model_devi_path) args = " ".join( [ "", "--all_models", " ".join(all_models), "--type_map", " ".join(jdata.get("type_map")), ] ) deepmdkit_python = mdata.get("model_devi_deepmdkit_python") os.system(f"{deepmdkit_python} {args} ") # Modd(iter_index,calypso_model_devi_path,all_models,jdata) os.chdir(cwd) elif lines[-1].strip().strip("\n") == "4":"Model Devi is done.") # return break