Elastic make#
Step 1. The DeformedStructureSet
module in pymatgen.analysis.elasticity.strain is used to generate a set of independently deformed structures. equi.stress.out
file is written to record the equilibrium stress in the Elastic directory. For the example in the previous section, equi.stress.out
should be in confs/mp-*/elastic_00
Step 2. If there are init_from_suffix
and output_suffix
parameter in the properties
part, the refine process follows. Else, the deformed structure (POSCAR
) and strain information (strain.out
) are written in the task directory, for example, in confs/mp-*/elastic_00/task.000000
Step 3. When doing elastic
. When doing by LAMMPS, the following in.lammps
would be written.
units metal
dimension 3
boundary p p p
atom_style atomic
box tilt large
read_data conf.lmp
mass 1 1
mass 2 1
neigh_modify every 1 delay 0 check no
pair_style deepmd frozen_model.pb
compute mype all pe
thermo 100
thermo_style custom step pe pxx pyy pzz pxy pxz pyz lx ly lz vol c_mype
dump 1 all custom 100 dump.relax id type xs ys zs fx fy fz
min_style cg
minimize 0 1.000000e-10 5000 500000
variable N equal count(all)
variable V equal vol
variable E equal "c_mype"
variable Pxx equal pxx
variable Pyy equal pyy
variable Pzz equal pzz
variable Pxy equal pxy
variable Pxz equal pxz
variable Pyz equal pyz
variable Epa equal ${E}/${N}
variable Vpa equal ${V}/${N}
print "All done"
print "Total number of atoms = ${N}"
print "Final energy per atoms = ${Epa}"
print "Final volume per atoms = ${Vpa}"
print "Final Stress (xx yy zz xy xz yz) = ${Pxx} ${Pyy} ${Pzz} ${Pxy} ${Pxz} ${Pyz}"