
We have provided different examples of param.json in dpgen/examples/run/. In this section, we give a description of the param.json, taking dpgen/examples/run/dp2.x-lammps-vasp/param_CH4_deepmd-kit-2.0.1.json as an example. This is a param.json for a gas-phase methane molecule. Here, DeePMD-kit (v2.x), LAMMPS and VASP codes are used for training, exploration and labeling respectively.


The basics related keys in param.json are given as follows

  "type_map": [
  "mass_map": [

The basics related keys specify the basic information about the system. type_map gives the atom types, i.e. “H” and “C”. mass_map gives the standard atom weights, i.e. “1” and “12”.


The data related keys in param.json are given as follows

  "init_data_prefix": "....../init/",
  "init_data_sys": [

  "sys_configs_prefix": "....../init/",
  "sys_configs": [

The data related keys specify the init data for training initial DP models and structures used for model_devi calculations. init_data_prefix and init_data_sys specify the location of the init data. sys_configs_prefix and sys_configs specify the location of the structures.

Here, the init data is provided at “…… /init/CH4.POSCAR.01x01x01/02.md/sys-0004-0001/deepmd”. These structures are divided into two groups and provided at “……/init/CH4.POSCAR.01x01x01/01.scale_pert/sys-0004-0001/scale*/00000*/POSCAR” and “……/init/CH4.POSCAR.01x01x01/01.scale_pert/sys-0004-0001/scale*/00001*/POSCAR”.


The training related keys in param.json are given as follows

  "numb_models": 4,
  "default_training_param": {

The training related keys specify the details of training tasks. numb_models specifies the number of models to be trained. “default_training_param” specifies the training parameters for deepmd-kit.

Here, 4 DP models will be trained in 00.train. A detailed explanation of training parameters can be found in DeePMD-kit’s documentation (https://docs.deepmodeling.com/projects/deepmd/en/master/).


The exploration related keys in param.json are given as follows

  "model_devi_dt": 0.002,
  "model_devi_skip": 0,
  "model_devi_f_trust_lo": 0.05,
  "model_devi_f_trust_hi": 0.15,
  "model_devi_clean_traj": true,
  "model_devi_jobs": [
      "sys_idx": [
      "temps": [
      "press": [
      "trj_freq": 10,
      "nsteps": 300,
      "ensemble": "nvt",
      "_idx": "00"
      "sys_idx": [
      "temps": [
      "press": [
      "trj_freq": 10,
      "nsteps": 3000,
      "ensemble": "nvt",
      "_idx": "01"

The exploration related keys specify the details of exploration tasks. model_devi_dt specifies timestep for MD simulation. model_devi_skip specifies the number of structures skipped for saving in each MD. model_devi_f_trust_lo and model_devi_f_trust_hi specify the lower and upper bound of model_devi of forces for the selection. model_devi_clean_traj specifies whether to clean traj folders in MD. If type of model_devi_clean_traj is boolean type then it denote whether to clean traj folders in MD since they are too large. In model_devi_jobs, sys_idx specifies the group of structures used for model_devi calculations, temps specifies the temperature (K) in MD, press specifies the pressure (Bar) in MD, trj_freq specifies the frequency of trajectory saved in MD, nsteps specifies the running steps of MD, ensemble specifies the ensemble used in MD, and “_idx” specifies the index of iteration.

Here, MD simulations are performed at the temperature of 100 K and the pressure of 1.0 Bar with an integrator time of 2 fs under the nvt ensemble. Two iterations are set in model_devi_jobs. MD simulations are run for 300 and 3000 time steps with the first and second groups of structures in sys_configs in 00 and 01 iterations. We choose to save all structures generated in MD simulations and have set trj_freq as 10, so 30 and 300 structures are saved in 00 and 01 iterations. If the “max_devi_f” of saved structure falls between 0.05 and 0.15, DP-GEN will treat the structure as a candidate. We choose to clean traj folders in MD since they are too large. If you want to save the most recent n iterations of traj folders, you can set model_devi_clean_traj to be an integer.


The labeling related keys in param.json are given as follows

  "fp_style": "vasp",
  "shuffle_poscar": false,
  "fp_task_max": 20,
  "fp_task_min": 1,
  "fp_pp_path": "....../methane/",
  "fp_pp_files": [
  "fp_incar": "....../INCAR_methane"

The labeling related keys specify the details of labeling tasks. fp_style specifies software for First Principles. fp_task_max and fp_task_min specify the minimum and maximum of structures to be calculated in 02.fp of each iteration. fp_pp_path and fp_pp_files specify the location of the psuedo-potential file to be used for 02.fp. run_jdata[fp_style=vasp]/fp_incar specifies input file for VASP. INCAR must specify KSPACING and KGAMMA.

Here, a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 20 structures will be labeled using the VASP code with the INCAR provided at “……/INCAR_methane” and POTCAR provided at “……/methane/POTCAR” in each iteration. Note that the order of elements in POTCAR should correspond to the order in type_map.

All the keys of the DP-GEN are explained in detail in the section Parameters.