Source code for dpgen2.fp.deepmd

"""Prep and Run Gaussian tasks."""
import os
from pathlib import (
from typing import (

import dpdata
import numpy as np
from dargs import (
from dflow.python import (

from dpgen2.constants import (
from dpgen2.utils.run_command import (

from ..utils import (
from .prep_fp import (
from .run_fp import (

# global static variables
deepmd_input_path = "one_frame_input"

# global static variables
deepmd_temp_path = "one_frame_temp"

[docs] class DeepmdInputs:
[docs] @staticmethod def args() -> List[Argument]: return []
def __init__(self, **kwargs: Any): = kwargs
[docs] class PrepDeepmd(PrepFp):
[docs] def prep_task( self, conf_frame: dpdata.System, inputs, ): r"""Define how one Deepmd task is prepared. Parameters ---------- conf_frame : dpdata.System One frame of configuration in the dpdata format. inputs : str or dict This parameter is useless in deepmd. """"deepmd/npy", deepmd_input_path)
[docs] class RunDeepmd(RunFp):
[docs] def input_files(self) -> List[str]: r"""The mandatory input files to run a Deepmd task. Returns ------- files: List[str] A list of madatory input files names. """ return [deepmd_input_path]
[docs] def optional_input_files(self) -> List[str]: r"""The optional input files to run a Deepmd task. Returns ------- files: List[str] A list of optional input files names. """ return []
[docs] def run_task( self, teacher_model_path: BinaryFileInput, out: str, log: str, ) -> Tuple[str, str]: r"""Defines how one FP task runs Parameters ---------- command : str The command of running Deepmd task out : str The name of the output data file. Returns ------- out_name: str The file name of the output data in the dpdata.LabeledSystem format. log_name: str The file name of the log. """ log_name = log out_name = out dp, type_map_teacher = self._get_dp_model(teacher_model_path) # Run deepmd self._dp_infer(dp, type_map_teacher, out_name) run_command(f'echo "job finished!" > {log_name}', shell=True) return out_name, log_name
def _get_dp_model(self, teacher_model_path: BinaryFileInput): from deepmd.infer import DeepPot # type: ignore ext = os.path.splitext(teacher_model_path.file_name)[-1] deepmd_teacher_model = "teacher_model" + ext teacher_model_path.save_as_file(deepmd_teacher_model) dp = DeepPot(Path(deepmd_teacher_model)) type_map_teacher = dp.get_type_map() os.remove(deepmd_teacher_model) return dp, type_map_teacher def _prep_input(self, type_map_teacher): ss = dpdata.System(deepmd_input_path, fmt="deepmd/npy") conf_type_map = ss["atom_names"] if not set(conf_type_map).issubset(set(type_map_teacher)): # type: ignore err_message = ( f"the type map of system ({conf_type_map}) is not subset of " + f"the type map of the teacher model ({type_map_teacher})." ) raise FatalError("deepmd labeling failed\n", "err msg", err_message, "\n") # make sure the order of elements in sys_type_map # is the same as that in type_map_teacher temp_type_map = [ele for ele in type_map_teacher if ele in set(conf_type_map)] # type: ignore ss.apply_type_map(temp_type_map)"deepmd/npy", deepmd_temp_path) return conf_type_map, temp_type_map def _dp_infer(self, dp, type_map_teacher, out_name): conf_type_map, temp_type_map = self._prep_input(type_map_teacher) ss = dpdata.System( deepmd_temp_path, fmt="deepmd/npy", type_map=type_map_teacher ) coord_npy_path_list = list(Path(deepmd_temp_path).glob("*/coord.npy")) assert len(coord_npy_path_list) == 1, coord_npy_path_list coord_npy_path = coord_npy_path_list[0] energy_npy_path = coord_npy_path.parent / "energy.npy" force_npy_path = coord_npy_path.parent / "force.npy" virial_npy_path = coord_npy_path.parent / "virial.npy" nframe = ss.get_nframes() coord = ss["coords"] cell = None if ss.nopbc else ss["cells"].reshape([nframe, -1]) # type: ignore atype = ss["atom_types"].tolist() # type: ignore energy, force, virial_force = dp.eval(coord, cell, atype) with open(energy_npy_path, "wb") as f:, energy) with open(force_npy_path, "wb") as f:, force) with open(virial_npy_path, "wb") as f:, virial_force) ss = dpdata.LabeledSystem( deepmd_temp_path, fmt="deepmd/npy", type_map=temp_type_map ) ss.apply_type_map(conf_type_map)"deepmd/npy", out_name)
[docs] @staticmethod def args() -> List[dargs.Argument]: r"""The argument definition of the `run_task` method. Returns ------- arguments: List[dargs.Argument] List of dargs.Argument defines the arguments of `run_task` method. """ doc_deepmd_teacher_model = ( "The path of teacher model, which can be loaded by deepmd.infer.DeepPot" ) doc_deepmd_log = "The log file name of dp" doc_deepmd_out = "The output dir name of labeled data. In `deepmd/npy` format provided by `dpdata`." return [ Argument( "teacher_model_path", [str, BinaryFileInput], optional=False, doc=doc_deepmd_teacher_model, ), Argument( "out", str, optional=True, default=fp_default_out_data_name, doc=doc_deepmd_out, ), Argument( "log", str, optional=True, default=fp_default_log_name, doc=doc_deepmd_log, ), ]