Source code for dpgen2.fp.run_fp

import json
import os
from abc import (
from pathlib import (
from typing import (

import dargs
import dpdata
from dflow.python import (

from dpgen2.utils.chdir import (

[docs] class RunFp(OP, ABC): r"""Execute a first-principles (FP) task. A working directory named `task_name` is created. All input files are copied or symbol linked to directory `task_name`. The FP command is exectuted from directory `task_name`. The `op["labeled_data"]` in `"deepmd/npy"` format (HF5 in the future) provided by `dpdata` will be created. """
[docs] @classmethod def get_input_sign(cls): return OPIOSign( { "config": BigParameter(dict), "task_name": BigParameter(str), "task_path": Artifact(Path), } )
[docs] @classmethod def get_output_sign(cls): return OPIOSign( { "log": Artifact(Path), "labeled_data": Artifact(Path), } )
[docs] @abstractmethod def input_files(self) -> List[str]: r"""The mandatory input files to run a FP task. Returns ------- files: List[str] A list of madatory input files names. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def optional_input_files(self) -> List[str]: r"""The optional input files to run a FP task. Returns ------- files: List[str] A list of optional input files names. """ pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def run_task( self, **kwargs, ) -> Tuple[str, str]: r"""Defines how one FP task runs Parameters ---------- **kwargs Keyword args defined by the developer. The fp/run_config session of the input file will be passed to this function. Returns ------- out_name: str The file name of the output data. Should be in dpdata.LabeledSystem format. log_name: str The file name of the log. """ pass
[docs] @staticmethod @abstractmethod def args() -> List[dargs.Argument]: r"""The argument definition of the `run_task` method. Returns ------- arguments: List[dargs.Argument] List of dargs.Argument defines the arguments of `run_task` method. """ pass
[docs] @classmethod def normalize_config(cls, data: Dict = {}, strict: bool = True) -> Dict: r"""Normalized the argument. Parameters ---------- data : Dict The input dict of arguments. strict : bool Strictly check the arguments. Returns ------- data: Dict The normalized arguments. """ ta = cls.args() base = dargs.Argument("base", dict, ta) data = base.normalize_value(data, trim_pattern="_*") base.check_value(data, strict=strict) return data
[docs] @OP.exec_sign_check def execute( self, ip: OPIO, ) -> OPIO: r"""Execute the OP. Parameters ---------- ip : dict Input dict with components: - `config`: (`dict`) The config of FP task. Should have `config['run']`, which defines the runtime configuration of the FP task. - `task_name`: (`str`) The name of task. - `task_path`: (`Artifact(Path)`) The path that contains all input files prepareed by `PrepFp`. Returns ------- Output dict with components: - `log`: (`Artifact(Path)`) The log file of FP. - `labeled_data`: (`Artifact(Path)`) The path to the labeled data in `"deepmd/npy"` format provided by `dpdata`. Raises ------ TransientError On the failure of FP execution. FatalError When mandatory files are not found. """ config = ip["config"]["run"] if ip["config"]["run"] is not None else {} config = type(self).normalize_config(config, strict=False) task_name = ip["task_name"] task_path = ip["task_path"] input_files = self.input_files() input_files = [(Path(task_path) / ii).resolve() for ii in input_files] opt_input_files = self.optional_input_files() opt_input_files = [(Path(task_path) / ii).resolve() for ii in opt_input_files] work_dir = Path(task_name) with set_directory(work_dir): # link input files for ii in input_files: if os.path.isfile(ii) or os.path.isdir(ii): iname = Path(iname).symlink_to(ii) else: raise FatalError(f"cannot find file {ii}") for ii in opt_input_files: if os.path.isfile(ii) or os.path.isdir(ii): iname = Path(iname).symlink_to(ii) out_name, log_name = self.run_task(**config) return OPIO( { "log": work_dir / log_name, "labeled_data": work_dir / out_name, } )