Source code for dpgen2.op.collect_run_caly

import json
import logging
import os
import random
import re
import shutil
from pathlib import (
from typing import (

from dargs import (
from dflow.python import (

from dpgen2.constants import (
from dpgen2.utils import (
from dpgen2.utils.run_command import (

[docs] class CollRunCaly(OP): r"""Execute CALYPSO to generate structures in work_dir. Changing the work directory into `task_name`. All input files have been copied or symbol linked to this directory `task_name` by `PrepCalyInput`. The CALYPSO command is exectuted from directory `task_name`. The `caly.log` and the `work_dir` will be stored in `op["log"]` and `op["work_dir"]`, respectively. """
[docs] @classmethod def get_input_sign(cls): return OPIOSign( { "config": BigParameter(dict), # for command "task_name": BigParameter(str), # calypso_task.idx "cnt_num": Parameter(int), "input_file": Artifact(Path), # input.dat, !!! must be provided "step": Artifact(type=Path, optional=True), # step file "results": Artifact( type=Path, optional=True ), # dir named results for evo "opt_results_dir": Artifact( type=List[Path], optional=True ), # dir contains POSCAR* CONTCAR* OUTCAR* "qhull_input": Artifact(type=Path, optional=True), # for vsc } )
[docs] @classmethod def get_output_sign(cls): return OPIOSign( { "task_name": BigParameter(str), # calypso_task.idx "finished": Parameter(str), # True if cnt_num == maxstep "poscar_dir": Artifact(Path), # dir contains POSCAR* of next step "input_file": Artifact(Path), # input.dat "results": Artifact(Path), # calypso generated results "step": Artifact(Path), # step "qhull_input": Artifact(Path), } )
[docs] @OP.exec_sign_check def execute( self, ip: OPIO, ) -> OPIO: r"""Execute the OP. Parameters ---------- ip : dict Input dict with components: - `config`: (`dict`) The config of calypso task to obtain the command of calypso. - `task_name`: (`str`) The name of the task (calypso_task.{idx}). - `input_file`: (`Path`) The input file of the task (input.dat). - `step`: (`Path`) The step file from last calypso run - `results`: (`Path`) The results dir from last calypso run - `opt_results_dir`: (`Path`) The results dir contains POSCAR* CONTCAR* OUTCAR* from last calypso run - `qhull_input`: (`Path`) qhull input file `` Returns ------- Any Output dict with components: - `poscar_dir`: (`Path`) The dir contains POSCAR*. - `task_name`: (`str`) The name of the task (calypso_task.{idx}). - `input_file`: (`Path`) The input file of the task (input.dat). - `step`: (`Path`) The step file. - `results`: (`Path`) The results dir. - `qhull_input`: (`Path`) qhull input file. Raises ------ TransientError On the failure of CALYPSO execution. Resubmit rule should be clear. """ cnt_num = ip["cnt_num"] # command config = ip["config"] if ip["config"] is not None else {} # config = CollRunCaly.normalize_config(config) command = config.get("run_calypso_command", "calypso.x") # input.dat _input_file = ip["input_file"] input_file = _input_file.resolve() max_step, vsc = get_value_from_inputdat(input_file) # work_dir name: calypso_task.idx work_dir = Path(ip["task_name"]) step = ip["step"].resolve() if ip["step"] is not None else ip["step"] results = ( ip["results"].resolve() if ip["results"] is not None else ip["results"] ) opt_results_dir = [] if ip["opt_results_dir"] is not None: for temp in ip["opt_results_dir"]: opt_results_dir.append(Path(temp).resolve()) qhull_input = ( ip["qhull_input"].resolve() if ip["qhull_input"] is not None else ip["qhull_input"] ) with set_directory(work_dir): # prep files/dirs from last calypso run prep_last_calypso_file(step, results, opt_results_dir, qhull_input, vsc) # copy input.dat Path( finished = "true" if int(cnt_num) == int(max_step) else "false" if finished == "false": # run calypso command = " ".join([command, ">", calypso_log_name]) ret, out, err = run_command(command, shell=True) if ret != 0: logging.error( "".join( ( "calypso failed\n", "command was: ", command, "out msg: ", out, "\n", "err msg: ", err, "\n", ) ) ) raise TransientError("calypso failed") poscar_dir = Path("poscar_dir") poscar_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) for poscar in Path().glob("POSCAR_*"): target = poscar_dir.joinpath( shutil.copyfile(poscar, target) step = Path("step").read_text().strip() # finished = "true" if int(cnt_num) == int(max_step) else "false" if not Path("").exists(): Path("").write_text("") ret_dict = { "task_name": str(work_dir), "finished": finished, "poscar_dir": work_dir.joinpath(poscar_dir), "input_file": _input_file, "step": work_dir.joinpath("step"), "results": work_dir.joinpath("results"), "qhull_input": work_dir.joinpath(""), } return OPIO(ret_dict)
[docs] @staticmethod def calypso_args(): doc_calypso_cmd = "The command of calypso (absolute path of calypso.x)." return [ Argument( "run_calypso_command", str, optional=True, default="calypso.x", doc=doc_calypso_cmd, ), ]
[docs] @staticmethod def normalize_config(data={}): ta = CollRunCaly.calypso_args() base = Argument("base", dict, ta) data = base.normalize_value(data, trim_pattern="_*") base.check_value(data, strict=True) return data
config_args = CollRunCaly.calypso_args
[docs] def prep_last_calypso_file(step, results, opt_results_dir, qhull_input, vsc): if step is not None and results is not None and opt_results_dir is not None: Path( Path( assert isinstance(opt_results_dir, list), "opt_results_dir should be a list." for opt_results_name in opt_results_dir: for file_name in opt_results_name.iterdir(): Path( if vsc and qhull_input is not None: Path(
[docs] def get_value_from_inputdat(filename): max_step = 0 vsc = False with open(filename, "r") as f: lines = f.readlines() for line in lines: if "MaxStep" in line: max_step = int(line.strip().split("#")[0].split("=")[1]) continue if "VSC" in line: vsc_str = line.strip().split("#")[0].split("=")[1].lower().strip() if vsc_str.startswith("t"): vsc = True return max_step, vsc