Source code for dpgen2.op.run_lmp

import glob
import json
import logging
import os
import random
import re
from pathlib import (
from typing import (

import numpy as np
from dargs import (
from dflow.python import (

from dpgen2.constants import (
from dpgen2.utils import (
from dpgen2.utils.run_command import (

[docs] class RunLmp(OP): r"""Execute a LAMMPS task. A working directory named `task_name` is created. All input files are copied or symbol linked to directory `task_name`. The LAMMPS command is exectuted from directory `task_name`. The trajectory and the model deviation will be stored in files `op["traj"]` and `op["model_devi"]`, respectively. """
[docs] @classmethod def get_input_sign(cls): return OPIOSign( { "config": BigParameter(dict), "task_name": BigParameter(str), "task_path": Artifact(Path), "models": Artifact(List[Path]), } )
[docs] @classmethod def get_output_sign(cls): return OPIOSign( { "log": Artifact(Path), "traj": Artifact(Path), "model_devi": Artifact(Path), "plm_output": Artifact(Path, optional=True), "optional_output": Artifact(Path, optional=True), } )
[docs] @OP.exec_sign_check def execute( self, ip: OPIO, ) -> OPIO: r"""Execute the OP. Parameters ---------- ip : dict Input dict with components: - `config`: (`dict`) The config of lmp task. Check `RunLmp.lmp_args` for definitions. - `task_name`: (`str`) The name of the task. - `task_path`: (`Artifact(Path)`) The path that contains all input files prepareed by `PrepLmp`. - `models`: (`Artifact(List[Path])`) The frozen model to estimate the model deviation. The first model with be used to drive molecular dynamics simulation. Returns ------- Any Output dict with components: - `log`: (`Artifact(Path)`) The log file of LAMMPS. - `traj`: (`Artifact(Path)`) The output trajectory. - `model_devi`: (`Artifact(Path)`) The model deviation. The order of recorded model deviations should be consistent with the order of frames in `traj`. Raises ------ TransientError On the failure of LAMMPS execution. Handle different failure cases? e.g. loss atoms. """ config = ip["config"] if ip["config"] is not None else {} config = RunLmp.normalize_config(config) command = config["command"] teacher_model: Optional[BinaryFileInput] = config["teacher_model_path"] shuffle_models: Optional[bool] = config["shuffle_models"] task_name = ip["task_name"] task_path = ip["task_path"] models = ip["models"] # input_files = [lmp_conf_name, lmp_input_name] # input_files = [(Path(task_path) / ii).resolve() for ii in input_files] input_files = [ii.resolve() for ii in Path(task_path).iterdir()] model_files = [Path(ii).resolve() for ii in models] work_dir = Path(task_name) if teacher_model is not None: assert ( len(model_files) == 1 ), "One model is enough in knowledge distillation" ext = os.path.splitext(teacher_model.file_name)[-1] teacher_model_file = "teacher_model" + ext teacher_model.save_as_file(teacher_model_file) model_files = [Path(teacher_model_file).resolve()] + model_files with set_directory(work_dir): # link input files for ii in input_files: iname = Path(iname).symlink_to(ii) # link models model_names = [] for idx, mm in enumerate(model_files): ext = os.path.splitext(mm)[-1] if ext == ".pb": mname = model_name_pattern % (idx) Path(mname).symlink_to(mm) elif ext == ".pt": # freeze model mname = pytorch_model_name_pattern % (idx) freeze_model(mm, mname, config.get("model_frozen_head")) else: raise RuntimeError( "Model file with extension '%s' is not supported" % ext ) model_names.append(mname) if shuffle_models: random.shuffle(model_names) set_models(lmp_input_name, model_names) # run lmp command = " ".join([command, "-i", lmp_input_name, "-log", lmp_log_name]) ret, out, err = run_command(command, shell=True) if ret != 0: logging.error( "".join( ( "lmp failed\n", "command was: ", command, "out msg: ", out, "\n", "err msg: ", err, "\n", ) ) ) raise TransientError("lmp failed") ele_temp = None if config.get("use_ele_temp", 0): ele_temp = get_ele_temp(lmp_log_name) if ele_temp is not None: data = { "ele_temp": ele_temp, } with open("job.json", "w") as f: json.dump(data, f, indent=4) merge_pimd_files() ret_dict = { "log": work_dir / lmp_log_name, "traj": work_dir / lmp_traj_name, "model_devi": self.get_model_devi(work_dir / lmp_model_devi_name), } plm_output = ( {"plm_output": work_dir / plm_output_name} if (work_dir / plm_output_name).is_file() else {} ) ret_dict.update(plm_output) if ele_temp is not None: ret_dict["optional_output"] = work_dir / "job.json" return OPIO(ret_dict)
[docs] def get_model_devi(self, model_devi_file): return model_devi_file
[docs] @staticmethod def lmp_args(): doc_lmp_cmd = "The command of LAMMPS" doc_teacher_model = "The teacher model in `Knowledge Distillation`" doc_shuffle_models = "Randomly pick a model from the group of models to drive theexploration MD simulation" doc_head = "Select a head from multitask" doc_use_ele_temp = "Whether to use electronic temperature, 0 for no, 1 for frame temperature, and 2 for atomic temperature" doc_use_hdf5 = "Use HDF5 to store trajs and model_devis" return [ Argument("command", str, optional=True, default="lmp", doc=doc_lmp_cmd), Argument( "teacher_model_path", [BinaryFileInput, str], optional=True, default=None, doc=doc_teacher_model, ), Argument( "shuffle_models", bool, optional=True, default=False, doc=doc_shuffle_models, ), Argument("head", str, optional=True, default=None, doc=doc_head), Argument( "use_ele_temp", int, optional=True, default=0, doc=doc_use_ele_temp ), Argument( "model_frozen_head", str, optional=True, default=None, doc=doc_head ), Argument( "use_hdf5", bool, optional=True, default=False, doc=doc_use_hdf5, ), ]
[docs] @staticmethod def normalize_config(data={}): ta = RunLmp.lmp_args() base = Argument("base", dict, ta) data = base.normalize_value(data, trim_pattern="_*") base.check_value(data, strict=True) return data
config_args = RunLmp.lmp_args
[docs] def set_models(lmp_input_name: str, model_names: List[str]): with open(lmp_input_name, encoding="utf8") as f: lmp_input_lines = f.readlines() idx = find_only_one_key( lmp_input_lines, ["pair_style", "deepmd"], raise_not_found=False ) if idx is None: return new_line_split = lmp_input_lines[idx].split() match_first = -1 match_last = -1 pattern = model_name_match_pattern for sidx, ii in enumerate(new_line_split): if re.fullmatch(pattern, ii) is not None: if match_first == -1: match_first = sidx else: if match_first != -1: match_last = sidx break if match_first == -1: raise RuntimeError( f"cannot file model pattern {pattern} in line " f" {lmp_input_lines[idx]}" ) if match_last == -1: raise RuntimeError(f"last matching index should not be -1, terribly wrong ") for ii in range(match_last, len(new_line_split)): if re.fullmatch(pattern, new_line_split[ii]) is not None: raise RuntimeError( f"unexpected matching of model pattern {pattern} " f"in line {lmp_input_lines[idx]}" ) new_line_split[match_first:match_last] = model_names lmp_input_lines[idx] = " ".join(new_line_split) + "\n" with open(lmp_input_name, "w", encoding="utf8") as f: f.write("".join(lmp_input_lines))
[docs] def find_only_one_key(lmp_lines, key, raise_not_found=True): found = [] for idx in range(len(lmp_lines)): words = lmp_lines[idx].split() nkey = len(key) if len(words) >= nkey and words[:nkey] == key: found.append(idx) if len(found) > 1: raise RuntimeError("found %d keywords %s" % (len(found), key)) if len(found) == 0: if raise_not_found: raise RuntimeError("failed to find keyword %s" % (key)) else: return None return found[0]
[docs] def get_ele_temp(lmp_log_name): with open(lmp_log_name, encoding="utf8") as f: lmp_log_lines = f.readlines() for line in lmp_log_lines: fields = line.split() if fields[:2] == ["pair_style", "deepmd"]: if "fparam" in fields: # for rendering variables try: return float(fields[fields.index("fparam") + 1]) except Exception: pass if "aparam" in fields: try: return float(fields[fields.index("aparam") + 1]) except Exception: pass return None
[docs] def freeze_model(input_model, frozen_model, head=None): freeze_args = "-o %s" % frozen_model if head is not None: freeze_args += " --head %s" % head freeze_cmd = "dp --pt freeze -c %s %s" % (input_model, freeze_args) ret, out, err = run_command(freeze_cmd, shell=True) if ret != 0: logging.error( "".join( ( "freeze failed\n", "command was", freeze_cmd, "out msg", out, "\n", "err msg", err, "\n", ) ) ) raise TransientError("freeze failed")
[docs] def merge_pimd_files(): traj_files = glob.glob("traj.*.dump") if len(traj_files) > 0: with open(lmp_traj_name, "w") as f: for traj_file in sorted(traj_files): with open(traj_file, "r") as f2: f.write( model_devi_files = glob.glob("model_devi.*.out") if len(model_devi_files) > 0: with open(lmp_model_devi_name, "w") as f: for model_devi_file in sorted(model_devi_files): with open(model_devi_file, "r") as f2: f.write(
[docs] class RunLmpHDF5(RunLmp):
[docs] @classmethod def get_output_sign(cls): output_sign = super().get_output_sign() output_sign["traj"] = Artifact(HDF5Datasets) output_sign["model_devi"] = Artifact(HDF5Datasets) return output_sign
[docs] def get_model_devi(self, model_devi_file): return np.loadtxt(model_devi_file)