Source code for dpgen2.utils.download_dpgen2_artifacts

import itertools
import logging
from pathlib import (
from typing import (

import numpy as np
from dflow import (

from dpgen2.utils.dflow_query import (

global_step_def_split = "/"

[docs] class DownloadDefinition: def __init__(self): self.input_def = {} self.output_def = {}
[docs] def add_def( self, tdict, key, suffix=None, ): tdict[key] = suffix return self
[docs] def add_input( self, input_key, suffix=None, ): return self.add_def(self.input_def, input_key, suffix)
[docs] def add_output( self, output_key, suffix=None, ): return self.add_def(self.output_def, output_key, suffix)
op_download_setting = { "prep-run-train": DownloadDefinition() .add_input("init_models") .add_input("init_data") .add_input("iter_data") .add_output("scripts") .add_output("models") .add_output("logs") .add_output("lcurves"), "prep-run-explore": DownloadDefinition() .add_output("logs") .add_output("trajs") .add_output("model_devis"), "prep-run-fp": DownloadDefinition() .add_input("confs") .add_output("logs") .add_output("labeled_data") .add_output("extra_outputs"), "collect-data": DownloadDefinition().add_output("iter_data"), }
[docs] def download_dpgen2_artifacts( wf: Workflow, key: str, prefix: Optional[str] = None, chk_pnt: bool = False, ): """ download the artifacts of a step. the key should be of format 'iter-xxxxxx--subkey-of-step-xxxxxx' the input and output artifacts will be downloaded to prefix/iter-xxxxxx/key-of-step/inputs/ and prefix/iter-xxxxxx/key-of-step/outputs/ the downloaded input and output artifacts of steps are defined by `op_download_setting` """ iteration = get_iteration(key) subkey = get_subkey(key) mypath = Path(iteration) if prefix is not None: mypath = Path(prefix) / mypath dsetting = op_download_setting.get(subkey) if dsetting is None: logging.warning(f"cannot find download settings for {key}") return input_def = dsetting.input_def output_def = dsetting.output_def dld_input = not ( len(input_def) == 0 or (chk_pnt and (mypath / subkey / "inputs" / "done").is_file()) ) dld_output = not ( len(output_def) == 0 or (chk_pnt and (mypath / subkey / "outputs" / "done").is_file()) ) step = None if dld_input or dld_output: step = wf.query_step(key=key) if len(step) == 0: raise RuntimeError(f"key {key} does not match any step") step = step[0] if dld_input: _dload_input_lower(step, mypath, key, subkey, input_def) if chk_pnt: (mypath / subkey / "inputs" / "done").touch() if dld_output: _dload_output_lower(step, mypath, key, subkey, output_def) if chk_pnt: (mypath / subkey / "outputs" / "done").touch() return
[docs] def download_dpgen2_artifacts_by_def( wf: Workflow, iterations: Optional[List[int]] = None, step_defs: Optional[List[str]] = None, prefix: Optional[str] = None, chk_pnt: bool = False, ): wf_step_keys = wf.query_keys_of_steps() if prefix is not None: prefix = prefix else: prefix = "." if iterations is None: iterations = _get_all_iterations(wf_step_keys) if step_defs is None: step_defs = _get_all_step_defs() step_defs = _filter_def_by_availability(step_defs) if len(step_defs) == 0: return # mk download items dld_items = _get_dld_items(iterations, step_defs) if chk_pnt: dld_items = _filter_if_complished(prefix, dld_items) if len(dld_items) == 0: return # get all steps step_keys = _get_all_queried_steps(wf_step_keys, dld_items) wf_steps = wf.query_step_by_key(step_keys) if not (len(wf_steps) == len(step_keys)): # fall back to the wf.query to get the steps. wf_info = wf.query() wf_steps = [wf_info.get_step(key=kk)[0] for kk in step_keys] # make step dict step_dict = {wf_step.key: wf_step for wf_step in wf_steps} # download all items for ii in dld_items: [step_key, io, item] = ii.split(global_step_def_split) step = step_dict.get(step_key) # skip all problematic steps if step is None or step["phase"] != "Succeeded": continue _dl_step_item(step, ii, prefix, chk_pnt)
def _dload_input_lower( step, mypath, key, subkey, input_def, ): for kk in input_def.keys(): pref = mypath / subkey / "inputs" ksuff = input_def[kk] if ksuff is not None: pref = pref / ksuff try: download_artifact( step.inputs.artifacts[kk], path=pref, skip_exists=True, ) except (NotImplementedError, FileNotFoundError): # NotImplementedError to be compatible with old versions of dflow logging.warning( f"cannot download input artifact {kk} of {key}, it may be empty" ) def _dload_output_lower( step, mypath, key, subkey, output_def, ): for kk in output_def.keys(): pref = mypath / subkey / "outputs" ksuff = output_def[kk] if ksuff is not None: pref = pref / ksuff try: download_artifact( step.outputs.artifacts[kk], path=pref, skip_exists=True, ) except (NotImplementedError, FileNotFoundError): # NotImplementedError to be compatible with old versions of dflow logging.warning( f"cannot download input artifact {kk} of {key}, it may be empty" ) def _get_all_step_defs(op_download_setting=op_download_setting): ret = [] for kk, vv in op_download_setting.items(): idef = vv.input_def for ik, iv in idef.items(): ret.append(f"{kk}{global_step_def_split}input{global_step_def_split}{ik}") odef = vv.output_def for ik, iv in odef.items(): ret.append(f"{kk}{global_step_def_split}output{global_step_def_split}{ik}") return ret def _get_all_iterations(step_keys): ret = [] for kk in step_keys: ii = get_iteration(kk) if ii.startswith("iter-"): ii = int(ii.split("-")[1]) ret.append(ii) ret = sorted(list(set(ret))) return ret def _get_all_queried_steps(wf_step_keys, dld_items): ret = [] for ii in dld_items: ret.append(ii.split(global_step_def_split)[0]) ret = set(ret) ret = ret.intersection(set(wf_step_keys)) return sorted(list(ret)) def _get_dld_items( iterations, step_defs, ): items = [] for ii, jj in itertools.product(iterations, step_defs): # type: ignore items.append(f"iter-{ii:06d}--" + jj) return items def _item_path( prefix, item, ): ret = Path(prefix) for ii in item.split(global_step_def_split): for jj in ii.split("--"): ret = ret / jj return ret def _filter_if_complished( prefix, items, ): ret = [] for tt in items: item_path = _item_path(prefix, tt) if not (item_path / "done").is_file(): ret.append(tt) else:"{item_path} exists") return ret def _filter_def_by_availability( defs, ): ret = [] for dd in defs: splitted = dd.split(global_step_def_split) if len(splitted) != 3: raise RuntimeError( "the step definition should be in format " "stepkey/input_or_output/item_name.\n" "for example prep-run-dp-train/output/logs" ) [subkey, io, name] = splitted if io in ["input"]: avail = (subkey in op_download_setting.keys()) and ( name in op_download_setting[subkey].input_def.keys() ) elif io in ["output"]: avail = (subkey in op_download_setting.keys()) and ( name in op_download_setting[subkey].output_def.keys() ) else: raise RuntimeError(f"unknown io style {io}") if not avail: logging.warning(f"cannot find download settings for {dd}") else: ret.append(dd) return ret def _dl_step_item( step, item, prefix, ckpt, ): [step_key, io, name] = item.split(global_step_def_split) pref = _item_path(prefix, item) if io in ["input"]: target = step.inputs.artifacts[name] elif io in ["output"]: target = step.outputs.artifacts[name] else: raise RuntimeError("unknown io style {io}") try: download_artifact( target, path=pref, skip_exists=True, ) except (NotImplementedError, FileNotFoundError): # NotImplementedError to be compatible with old versions of dflow logging.warning(f"cannot download item {pref}, it may be empty") if ckpt: pref.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) (pref / "done").touch()"{pref} downloaded")