Source code for dpgen2.conf.file_conf

import os
import dpdata
import glob
from pathlib import Path
from .conf_generator import ConfGenerator
from typing import (
    Optional, Union, List, Tuple
from dargs import (

[docs]class FileConfGenerator(ConfGenerator): def __init__( self, files : Union[str,List[str]], fmt : str = 'auto', prefix : Optional[str] = None, remove_pbc : Optional[bool] = False, ): if not isinstance(files, list): assert(isinstance(files, str)) files = [files] if prefix is not None: pfiles = [Path(prefix) / Path(ii) for ii in files] else: pfiles = [Path(ii) for ii in files] self.files = [] for ii in pfiles: ff = glob.glob(str(ii.absolute())) ff.sort() self.files += ff self.fmt = fmt self.remove_pbc = remove_pbc
[docs] def generate( self, type_map, ) -> dpdata.MultiSystems: ms = dpdata.MultiSystems(type_map=type_map) for ff in self.files: ss = dpdata.System(ff, fmt=self.fmt, type_map=type_map) if self.remove_pbc: ss.remove_pbc() ms.append(ss) return ms
[docs] @staticmethod def args() -> List[Argument]: doc_files = "The paths to the configuration files. widecards are supported." doc_prefix = "The prefix of file paths." doc_fmt = "The format (dpdata accepted formats) of the files." doc_remove_pbc = "The remove the pbc of the data. shift the coords to the center of box so it can be used with lammps." return [ Argument("files", [str, list], optional=False, doc=doc_files), Argument("prefix", str, optional=True, default=None, doc=doc_prefix), Argument("fmt", str, optional=True, default='auto', doc=doc_fmt), Argument("remove_pbc", bool, optional=True, default=False, doc=doc_remove_pbc), ]