Source code for dpgen2.entrypoint.common

import dflow
from pathlib import Path
from dpgen2.utils import (
from dpgen2.utils.step_config import normalize as normalize_step_dict
from typing import (
    Union, List, Dict, Optional,

[docs]def global_config_workflow( wf_config, do_lebesgue : bool=False, ): # dflow_config, dflow_s3_config workflow_config_from_dict(wf_config) # lebesgue context lebesgue_context = None if do_lebesgue: from dflow.plugins.lebesgue import LebesgueContext lb_context_config = wf_config.get("lebesgue_context_config", None) if lb_context_config: lebesgue_context = LebesgueContext( **lb_context_config, ) # bohrium configuration if wf_config.get("bohrium_config") is not None: assert(lebesgue_context is None), \ "cannot use bohrium and lebesgue at the same time" bohrium_config_from_dict(wf_config["bohrium_config"]) return lebesgue_context
[docs]def expand_sys_str(root_dir: Union[str, Path]) -> List[str]: root_dir = Path(root_dir) matches = [str(d) for d in root_dir.rglob("*") if (d / "type.raw").is_file()] if (root_dir / "type.raw").is_file(): matches.append(str(root_dir)) return matches
[docs]def expand_idx (in_list) : ret = [] for ii in in_list : if isinstance(ii, int) : ret.append(ii) elif isinstance(ii, str): step_str = ii.split(':') if len(step_str) > 1 : step = int(step_str[1]) else : step = 1 range_str = step_str[0].split('-') if len(range_str) == 2: ret += range(int(range_str[0]), int(range_str[1]), step) elif len(range_str) == 1 : ret += [int(range_str[0])] else: raise RuntimeError('not expected range string', step_str[0]) ret = sorted(list(set(ret))) return ret