Source code for reacnetgenerator.commandline

# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
# cython: language_level=3
# cython: linetrace=True
"""Command line interface for reacnetgenerator."""

import argparse
import textwrap
from typing import List

from . import __version__

[docs] def main_parser() -> argparse.ArgumentParser: """Return main parser. Returns ------- argparse.ArgumentParser reacnetgenerator cli parser """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="ReacNetGenerator is an automatic reaction network generator for reactive molecular dynamics simulation.", formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, epilog=textwrap.dedent( """\ Examples: reacnetgenerator --type bond -i bonds.reaxc -a C H O --nohmm reacnetgenerator --type dump -i dump.reaxc -a C H O --nohmm reacnetgenerator --type xyz -i -a C H O --nohmm -c 10 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 10 """ ), ) parser.add_argument( "-i", "--inputfilename", nargs="*", help="Input trajectory file(s), e.g. bonds.reaxc; If multiple file are given, they are concatenated.", required=True, ) parser.add_argument( "-a", "--atomname", help="Atomic names in the trajectory, e.g. C H O", nargs="*", required=True, ) parser.add_argument( "--nohmm", help=( "Process trajectory without Hidden Markov Model (HMM). If one wants to enable HMM, firstly " "read the related section in the paper" ), action="store_true", ) parser.add_argument("--miso", help="Merge the isomers", type=int, default=0) parser_type = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() parser_type.add_argument( "--dump", help="(deprecated) Process the LAMMPS dump file. Please use `--type dump` instead.", action="store_true", ) parser_type.add_argument( "--type", "-t", help="Input file type", # manual ensure consistent choices=["bond", "lammpsbondfile", "dump", "lammpsdumpfile", "xyz"], default="lammpsbondfile", ) parser.add_argument("--nopbc", help="Disable PBC.", action="store_true") parser.add_argument( "--cell", "-c", nargs="+", type=float, help=( "Cell information if PBC is enabled and the input file does not contain cell information. " "The cell information should be in 3x3 matrix format." ), ) parser.add_argument( "-n", "-np", "--nproc", help="Number of processes, by default using all processes", type=int, ) parser.add_argument( "-s", "--selectatoms", help="Select element(s) in the reaction network, e.g. C", nargs="*", ) parser.add_argument( "--stepinterval", help="Step interval, i.e. read every N step from the trajectory", type=int, default=1, ) parser.add_argument( "--split", help="Split number for the time axis; the whole trajectroy will be splited into N parts for analysis", type=int, default=1, ) parser.add_argument( "--maxspecies", help="Max number of nodes (species) in the network", type=int, default=20, ) parser.add_argument( "--matrixa", help="Transition matrix A of HMM parameters", type=float, nargs=4, default=[0.999, 0.001, 0.001, 0.999], ) parser.add_argument( "--matrixb", help="Emission matrix B of HMM parameters", type=float, nargs=4, default=[0.6, 0.4, 0.4, 0.6], ) parser.add_argument( "--urls", action="append", nargs=2, type=str, help="Download files before analysis, in the format of `--urls filename url`", ) parser.add_argument( "--version", action="version", version=f"ReacNetGenerator v{__version__}" ) return parser
def _commandline(): parser = main_parser() args = parser.parse_args() import numpy as np from .reacnetgen import ReacNetGenerator ReacNetGenerator( inputfilename=args.inputfilename, atomname=args.atomname, miso=args.miso, runHMM=not args.nohmm, inputfiletype=("lammpsdumpfile" if args.dump else args.type), nproc=args.nproc, selectatoms=args.selectatoms, stepinterval=args.stepinterval, split=args.split, maxspecies=args.maxspecies, urls=[{"fn": url[0], "url": url[1]} for url in args.urls] if args.urls else None, a=np.array(args.matrixa).reshape((2, 2)), b=np.array(args.matrixb).reshape((2, 2)), pbc=not args.nopbc, cell=args.cell, ).runanddraw()
[docs] def parm2cmd(pp: dict) -> List[str]: """Convert a parameter dictionary to command line arguments. Parameters ---------- pp : dict Parameter dictionary Returns ------- List[str] Command line arguments """ commands = ["reacnetgenerator", "-i", pp["inputfilename"], "-a", *pp["atomname"]] if not pp.get("runHMM", True): commands.append("--nohmm") if pp["inputfiletype"]: commands.extend(("--type", pp["inputfiletype"])) if pp["atomname"]: commands.extend(("-s", pp["atomname"][0])) if pp.get("urls", []): commands.extend(("--urls", pp["urls"][0]["fn"], pp["urls"][0]["url"][0])) if pp.get("a", []): commands.extend( ( "--matrixa", str(pp["a"][0][0]), str(pp["a"][0][1]), str(pp["a"][1][0]), str(pp["a"][1][1]), ) ) if pp.get("b", []): commands.extend( ( "--matrixb", str(pp["b"][0][0]), str(pp["b"][0][1]), str(pp["b"][1][0]), str(pp["b"][1][1]), ) ) if pp.get("cell", []): commands.extend( ("--cell", str(pp["cell"][0]), str(pp["cell"][1]), str(pp["cell"][2])) ) for ii in ["nproc", "selectatoms", "stepinterval", "split", "maxspecies"]: if pp.get(ii, None): commands.extend((f"--{ii}", str(pp[ii]))) return commands