Source code for deepmd.env

"""Module that sets tensorflow working environment and exports inportant constants."""

import logging
import os
import distutils.ccompiler
from configparser import ConfigParser
from imp import reload
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple

import numpy as np

    from types import ModuleType

# import tensorflow v1 compatability
    import tensorflow.compat.v1 as tf

except ImportError:
    import tensorflow as tf

__all__ = [


def set_env_if_empty(key: str, value: str, verbose: bool = True):
    """Set environment variable only if it is empty.

    key : str
        env variable name
    value : str
        env variable value
    verbose : bool, optional
        if True action will be logged, by default True
    if os.environ.get(key) is None:
        os.environ[key] = value
        if verbose:
                f"Environment variable {key} is empty. Use the default value {value}"

def set_mkl():
    """Tuning MKL for the best performance.

    TF overview

    Fixing an issue in numpy built by MKL

    check whether the numpy is built by mkl, see
    if "mkl_rt" in np.__config__.get_info("blas_mkl_info").get("libraries", []):
        set_env_if_empty("KMP_BLOCKTIME", "0")
            "KMP_AFFINITY", "granularity=fine,verbose,compact,1,0")

def set_tf_default_nthreads():
    """Set TF internal number of threads to default=automatic selection.

    control TF configuration of multithreading.
    set_env_if_empty("TF_INTRA_OP_PARALLELISM_THREADS", "0", verbose=False)
    set_env_if_empty("TF_INTER_OP_PARALLELISM_THREADS", "0", verbose=False)

def get_tf_default_nthreads() -> Tuple[int, int]:
    """Get TF paralellism settings.

    Tuple[int, int]
        number of `TF_INTRA_OP_PARALLELISM_THREADS` and
    return int(os.environ.get("TF_INTRA_OP_PARALLELISM_THREADS", "0")), int(
        os.environ.get("TF_INTER_OP_PARALLELISM_THREADS", "0")

def get_tf_session_config() -> Any:
    """Configure tensorflow session.

        session configure object
    intra, inter = get_tf_default_nthreads()
    config = tf.ConfigProto(
        intra_op_parallelism_threads=intra, inter_op_parallelism_threads=inter
    return config

default_tf_session_config = get_tf_session_config()

[docs]def reset_default_tf_session_config(cpu_only: bool): """Limit tensorflow session to CPU or not. Parameters ---------- cpu_only : bool If enabled, no GPU device is visible to the TensorFlow Session. """ global default_tf_session_config if cpu_only: default_tf_session_config.device_count['GPU'] = 0 else: if 'GPU' in default_tf_session_config.device_count: del default_tf_session_config.device_count['GPU']
def get_module(module_name: str) -> "ModuleType": """Load force module. Returns ------- ModuleType loaded force module Raises ------ FileNotFoundError if module is not found in directory """ # ext = distutils.ccompiler.new_compiler().shared_lib_extension module_file = ( (Path(__file__).parent / SHARED_LIB_MODULE / module_name) .with_suffix(ext) .resolve() ) if not module_file.is_file(): raise FileNotFoundError(f"module {module_name} does not exist") else: try: module = tf.load_op_library(str(module_file)) except tf.errors.NotFoundError as e: # check CXX11_ABI_FLAG is compatiblity # see # ABI should be the same if 'CXX11_ABI_FLAG' in tf.__dict__: tf_cxx11_abi_flag = tf.CXX11_ABI_FLAG else: tf_cxx11_abi_flag = tf.sysconfig.CXX11_ABI_FLAG if TF_CXX11_ABI_FLAG != tf_cxx11_abi_flag: raise RuntimeError( "This deepmd-kit package was compiled with " "CXX11_ABI_FLAG=%d, but TensorFlow runtime was compiled " "with CXX11_ABI_FLAG=%d. These two library ABIs are " "incompatible and thus an error is raised when loading %s." "You need to rebuild deepmd-kit against this TensorFlow " "runtime." % ( TF_CXX11_ABI_FLAG, tf_cxx11_abi_flag, module_name, )) from e # different versions may cause incompatibility # see #406, #447, #557, #774, and #796 for example # throw a message if versions are different if TF_VERSION != tf.version.VERSION: raise RuntimeError( "The version of TensorFlow used to compile this " "deepmd-kit package is %s, but the version of TensorFlow " "runtime you are using is %s. These two versions are " "incompatible and thus an error is raised when loading %s. " "You need to install TensorFlow %s, or rebuild deepmd-kit " "against TensorFlow %s.\nIf you are using a wheel from " "pypi, you may consider to install deepmd-kit execuating " "`pip install deepmd-kit --no-binary deepmd-kit` " "instead." % ( TF_VERSION, tf.version.VERSION, module_name, TF_VERSION, tf.version.VERSION, )) from e raise RuntimeError( "This deepmd-kit package is inconsitent with TensorFlow" "Runtime, thus an error is raised when loading %s." "You need to rebuild deepmd-kit against this TensorFlow" "runtime." % ( module_name, )) from e return module def _get_package_constants( config_file: Path = Path(__file__).parent / "pkg_config/run_config.ini", ) -> Dict[str, str]: """Read package constants set at compile time by CMake to dictionary. Parameters ---------- config_file : str, optional path to CONFIG file, by default "pkg_config/run_config.ini" Returns ------- Dict[str, str] dictionary with package constants """ config = ConfigParser() return dict(config.items("CONFIG")) GLOBAL_CONFIG = _get_package_constants() MODEL_VERSION = GLOBAL_CONFIG["model_version"] TF_VERSION = GLOBAL_CONFIG["tf_version"] TF_CXX11_ABI_FLAG = int(GLOBAL_CONFIG["tf_cxx11_abi_flag"]) op_module = get_module("libop_abi") op_grads_module = get_module("libop_grads") # FLOAT_PREC dp_float_prec = os.environ.get("DP_INTERFACE_PREC", "high").lower() if dp_float_prec in ("high", ""): # default is high GLOBAL_TF_FLOAT_PRECISION = tf.float64 GLOBAL_NP_FLOAT_PRECISION = np.float64 GLOBAL_ENER_FLOAT_PRECISION = np.float64 global_float_prec = "double" elif dp_float_prec == "low": GLOBAL_TF_FLOAT_PRECISION = tf.float32 GLOBAL_NP_FLOAT_PRECISION = np.float32 GLOBAL_ENER_FLOAT_PRECISION = np.float64 global_float_prec = "float" else: raise RuntimeError( "Unsupported float precision option: %s. Supported: high," "low. Please set precision with environmental variable " "DP_INTERFACE_PREC." % dp_float_prec )
[docs]def global_cvt_2_tf_float(xx: tf.Tensor) -> tf.Tensor: """Cast tensor to globally set TF precision. Parameters ---------- xx : tf.Tensor input tensor Returns ------- tf.Tensor output tensor cast to `GLOBAL_TF_FLOAT_PRECISION` """ return tf.cast(xx, GLOBAL_TF_FLOAT_PRECISION)
[docs]def global_cvt_2_ener_float(xx: tf.Tensor) -> tf.Tensor: """Cast tensor to globally set energy precision. Parameters ---------- xx : tf.Tensor input tensor Returns ------- tf.Tensor output tensor cast to `GLOBAL_ENER_FLOAT_PRECISION` """ return tf.cast(xx, GLOBAL_ENER_FLOAT_PRECISION)