Notes on Multipolar Ewald


  • Anthony's book
  • The Multipolar Ewald paper in JCTC: J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2015, 11, 2, 436–450 Link
  • The code, which converts the CAMCASP moments (global harmonics) to OpenMM moments (local cartesian).
  • The dispersion Ewald/PME: Link

Relevant mathematics

Cartesian Tensors

Multipole operators in Cartesian Tensors:

\[ \displaylines{ \begin{align} &\hat{q} = 1 \\ &\hat{\mu}_{\alpha} = r_{\alpha} \\ &\hat{\Theta}_{\alpha\beta}=\frac{3}{2}\left(r_{\alpha}r_{\beta}-\frac{1}{3}r^2\delta_{\alpha\beta}\right) \end{align} } \]

Interaction Hamiltonian (up to quadrupole):

\[ \displaylines{ \hat{H}' = T q^{A} q^{B}+T_{\alpha}\left(q^{A} \hat{\mu}_{\alpha}^{B}-\hat{\mu}_{\alpha}^{A} q^{B}\right)+T_{\alpha \beta}\left(\frac{1}{3} q^{A} \hat{\Theta}_{\alpha \beta}^{B}-\hat{\mu}_{\alpha}^{A} \hat{\mu}_{\beta}^{B}+\frac{1}{3} \hat{\Theta}_{\alpha \beta}^{A} q^{B}\right) \\ -\frac{1}{3} T_{\alpha \beta \gamma}\left(\hat{\mu}_{\alpha}^{A} \hat{\Theta}_{\beta \gamma}^{B}-\hat{\Theta}_{\alpha \beta}^{A} \hat{\mu}_{\gamma}^{B}\right) +\frac{1}{9}T_{\alpha \beta \gamma \delta}\hat{\Theta}_{\alpha \beta}^{A} \hat{\Theta}_{\gamma \delta}^{B} + \cdots } \]

And the corresponding interaction tensors are:

\[ T_{\alpha \beta \ldots v}^{(n)}=\frac{1}{4 \pi \epsilon_{0}} \nabla_{\alpha} \nabla_{\beta} \ldots \nabla_{v} \frac{1}{R} \]

The first few terms are listed in the page 4 of Anthony's book (up to quad-quad interactions).

Spherical Tensors

The often seen spherical harmonics include:

  • The original spherical harmonics (adopting the convention without \((-1)^m\)):
\[ Y_{lm}(\theta, \phi) = \sqrt{\frac{2 l+1}{4 \pi} \frac{(l-m) !}{(l+m) !}} P_{l}^{m}(\cos \theta) e^{i m \phi} \]

with \(P_l^m\) being the associated Legendre Polynomials: $$ P_{\ell}^{m}(x)=\frac{(-1)^{m}}{2^{\ell} \ell !}\left(1-x^{2}\right)^{m / 2} \frac{d^{\ell+m}}{d x^{\ell+m}}\left(x^{2}-1\right)^{\ell} $$ Note we have: $$ P_{\ell}^{-m}(x)=(-1)^{m} \frac{(\ell-m) !}{(\ell+m) !} P_{\ell}^{m}(x) $$ The exact form of these polynomials can be found in:


The lowest few orders of them are:

\[ \displaylines{ \begin{aligned} &P_{0}^{0}(x)=1 \\ &P_{1}^{0}(x)=x \\ &P_{1}^{1}(x)=-\left(1-x^{2}\right)^{1 / 2} \\ &P_{2}^{0}(x)=\frac{1}{2}\left(3 x^{2}-1\right) \\ &P_{2}^{1}(x)=-3 x\left(1-x^{2}\right)^{1 / 2} \\ &P_{2}^{2}(x)=3\left(1-x^{2}\right) \end{aligned} } \]
  • We also use the renormalized spherical harmonics:
\[ \displaylines{ C_{l m}(\theta, \varphi)=\sqrt{\frac{4 \pi}{2 l+1}} Y_{l m}(\theta, \varphi) \\ = \sqrt{\frac{(l-m) !}{(l+m) !}} P_{l}^{m}(\cos \theta) e^{i m \phi} \\ =\epsilon_m\sqrt{\frac{(l-|m|)!}{(l+|m|)!}} P_l^{|m|}(\cos\theta)e^{im\phi} } \]

Note that I believe the equation B.1.3 in Pg. 272 of Anthony's book is not quite right (missing an absolute value in \(P_l^m\)). Definition of \(\epsilon_m\) can be found in Pg. 272.

  • Now we can define the regular and irregular spherical harmonics:
\[ \displaylines{ \begin{aligned} R_{l m}(\vec{r}) &=r^{l} C_{l m}(\theta, \varphi) \\ I_{l m}(\vec{r}) &=r^{-l-1} C_{l m}(\theta, \varphi) \end{aligned} } \]

In particular:

\[ R_{lm}(\vec{r}) = r^l \cdot \sqrt{\frac{(l-m) !}{(l+m) !}} P_{l}^{m}(\cos \theta) e^{i m \phi} \]

From this we can define the real-valued regular spherical harmonics (for \(m>0\)):

\[ \displaylines{ \begin{aligned} R_{l m c} &=\sqrt{\frac{1}{2}}\left[(-1)^{m} R_{l m}+R_{l,-m}\right] \\ \mathrm{i} R_{l m s} &=\sqrt{\frac{1}{2}}\left[(-1)^{m} R_{l m}-R_{l,-m}\right] \end{aligned} } \]

According to my derivation, that is:

\[ \displaylines{ \begin{cases} R_{l0} = r^l\cdot C_{l0} = r^l\cdot P_l^{0}(\cos\theta)\\ R_{lmc} = (-1)^m \cdot \sqrt{2} \cdot r^l \sqrt{\frac{(l-m)!}{(l+m)!}}P_l^m(\cos\theta)\cos(m\phi) \\ R_{lms} = (-1)^m \cdot \sqrt{2} \cdot r^l \sqrt{\frac{(l-m)!}{(l+m)!}}P_l^m(\cos\theta)\sin(m\phi) \end{cases} } \]

In Anthony's book, they usually use Greek letters (\(\mu,\nu,\kappa\) etc.​) or letter \(t,u\) to represent \(1c, 1s, 2c, 2s\)​ etc. These are the projector functions to compute all the moments.

In the real-valued regular spherical harmonics representation, the interaction energy is:

\[ \hat{H}' = \sum_{at,bu} {\hat{Q}_t^a T_{tu}^{ab}\hat{Q}_u^b} \]

The interaction tensor \(T_{tu}^{AB}\) can be found in Appendix F of Anthony's book (pg. 291).

  • A couple of things regarding paper: J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2015, 11, 2, 436–450 (

In this paper, the definition (in their notation) of:

\[ \displaylines{ C_{l\mu} = (-1)^{\mu}\sqrt{\left(2-\delta_{\mu, 0}\right)(l+\mu) !(l-\mu) !}\cdot R_{l\mu} \\ = \begin{cases} (-1)^{m}\sqrt{\left(2-\delta_{m, 0}\right)(l+m) !(l-m) !} \cdot R_{l mc}(\vec{r}) & \mu \geq 0 \\ (-1)^{-m}\sqrt{2(l-m) !(l+m) !} \cdot R_{lms}(\vec{r}) & \mu<0 \end{cases} \\ (\text{Here, we assumes $m=|\mu|$}) \\ = \begin{cases} r^l\cdot P_l^0(\cos\theta) & \mu=0 \\ (-1)^m\cdot\sqrt{2}\cdot r^l\sqrt{\frac{(l-m)!}{(l+m)!}}P_l^m(\cos\theta)\cos(m\phi) & \mu\gt 0 \\ (-1)^m\cdot\sqrt{2}\cdot r^l\sqrt{\frac{(l-m)!}{(l+m)!}}P_l^m(\cos\theta)\sin(m\phi) & \mu\lt 0 \end{cases} } \]

This is identical to Eqn. 14. Therefore, the \(C_{l\mu}\) in the JCTC paper is identical to the \(R_\mu\) in Anthony's book.

And the interaction function also checks out! So we have a compact form for the interaction tensor in table F.1 of the book

\[ T_{tu}^{ab} = \frac{R_t(\nabla_a)}{(2l_t-1)!!}\frac{R_u(\nabla_b)}{(2l_u-1)!!}\frac{1}{R_{ab}} \]

This is verified manually by computing the \(T_{21c,11c}=T_{xz, x} = \sqrt{3}\frac{1}{R^4}\left(\hat{z}-5\hat{x}^2\hat{z}\right)\)​ tensor.


Assume the local frame matrix for a particular atom is:

\[ \displaylines{ \mathbf{R} = \left[ \matrix{ \mathbf{r_1^T} \\ \mathbf{r_2^T} \\ \mathbf{r_3^T} \\ }\right] = \left[ \matrix{ x_1 & y_1 & z_1 \\ x_2 & y_2 & z_2 \\ x_3 & y_3 & z_3 }\right] } \]

Then for any vector, the local (\(\vec{r}'\))-to-global (\vec{r}) transform is:

\[ \vec{r}=\mathbf{R}^T\cdot\vec{r}' \]

Following the convention in the code, assuming the order for spherical harmonics is: \(Q_{00}, Q_{10}, Q_{11c}, Q_{11s}, Q_{20}, Q_{21c}, Q_{21s}, Q_{22c}, Q_{22s}\)​​

  • Dipole rotation

For dipole, the harmonics-to-cartesian conversion is:

\[ \mathbf{C}_1=\left[ \matrix{ 0 & 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 1 \\ 1 & 0 & 0 } \right] \]

So the local-harmonics-to-global-harmonics conversion for dipole moments is:

\[ \mathbf{R}_{1}^{l-g}=\mathbf{C}_1^T\mathbf{R}^T\mathbf{C}_1 \]
  • Quadrupole rotation

First of all, the cartesian moments are:

\[ \displaylines{ \mathbf{\Theta}= \int {d\vec{r}\cdot\rho(\vec{r})\cdot\left(\frac{3}{2}\left[\matrix{ xx & xy & xz \\ yx & yy & yz \\ zx & zy & zz \\ }\right] - \frac{1}{2}r^2\mathbf{I} \right)} \\ = \int {d\vec{r}\cdot\rho(\vec{r})\cdot\left(\frac{3}{2}\vec{r}\vec{r}^T -\frac{1}{2}(\vec{r}^T\cdot\vec{r})\mathbf{I}\right)} } \]

Then obviously, the local-to-global conversion is:

\[ \mathbf{\Theta} = \mathbf{R}^T\mathbf{\Theta}'\mathbf{R} \]

The conversion between \(\vec{\Theta}=[xx,yy,zz,xy,xz,yz]\)​​​​ and harmonic moments (\(\vec{Q}=[Q_{20}, Q_{21c}, Q_{21s}, Q_{22c}, Q_{22s}]\)​​​​​) is:

\[ \displaylines{ \mathbf{C}_2^{h-c} = \left[\matrix{ -\frac{1}{2} & 0 & 0 & \frac{\sqrt{3}}{2} & 0 \\ -\frac{1}{2} & 0 & 0 & -\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2} & 0 \\ 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & \frac{\sqrt{3}}{2} \\ 0 & \frac{\sqrt{3}}{2} & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & \frac{\sqrt{3}}{2} & 0 & 0 }\right] } \]
\[ \vec{\Theta} = \mathbf{C}_2^{h-c} \vec{Q} \]

And the inversed conversion is:

\[ \displaylines{ \mathbf{C}_2^{c-h} = \left[\matrix{ 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & \frac{2}{\sqrt{3}} & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & \frac{2}{\sqrt{3}} \\ \frac{1}{\sqrt{3}} & -\frac{1}{\sqrt{3}} & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & \frac{2}{\sqrt{3}} & 0 & 0 \\ }\right] } \]
\[ \vec{Q} = \mathbf{C}_2^{c-h}\vec{\Theta} \]

So the rotation procedure from local-to-global rotation for (spherical harmonics) quadrupole moments is:

\[ \displaylines{ \vec{\Theta}' = \mathbf{C}_2^{h-c} \vec{Q}' \\ \mathbf{\Theta} = \mathbf{R}^T\mathbf{\Theta}'\mathbf{R} \\ \vec{Q} = \mathbf{C}_2^{c-h}\vec{\Theta} } \]

And vice-versa for the invert process.

Using sympy, we can derive the actual linear transformation matrix, which is coded in The derivation is done using

Multipolar Ewald

  • The reciprocal space part:

The structure factor is:

$$ S(\vec{k}) = \sum_{a,t} Q_t^a\frac{R_t(\vec{k})(-i)^{l_t}}{(2l-1)!!}e^{-i\vec{k}\cdot\vec{R}_a} $$

The reciprocal space energy is:

$$ E_{recip} = \sum_{k\neq 0} {\frac{2\pi}{V k^2}\exp\left(-\frac{k^2}{4\kappa^2}\right)\left|S(\vec{k})\right|^2} $$

  • The real space part:
\[ \displaylines{ E_{real} = \sum_{\substack{a<b \\ t\in a, u\in b}} {Q_t^a \tilde{T}_{tu}^{ab} Q_u^b} } \]

​ And the damped real space operator is (to be derived!):

\[ \displaylines{ \tilde{T}_{t, u}^{a, b}=\frac{C_{t}\left(\nabla_{a}\right)}{(2 l_t-1) ! !} \frac{C_u\left(\nabla_{b}\right)}{(2 l_u-1) ! !} \frac{\operatorname{erfc}\left(\kappa R_{a b}\right)}{R_{a b}} } \]
  • The self energy is:
\[ E_{self} = - \sum_{a, l \mu \in a} {Q_{l \mu}^a}^2 \sqrt{\frac{\kappa^2}{\pi}} \frac{(2 \kappa^2)^{l}}{(2 l+1) ! !} \]

Multipolar PME

  • The real space and the self parta are the same as ewald
  • The reciprocal space part, the structural factor is:
\[ \displaylines{ \begin{align} S(\vec{k}) & = \sum_{\vec{m}} {\exp\left[-2\pi i\left(\frac{m_1k_1}{K_1}+ \frac{m_2k_2}{K_2} + \frac{m_3k_3}{K_3}\right)\right]} \sum_{a,l\mu} {Q_{l\mu}^a \frac{R_{l\mu}(\nabla_a)}{(2l-1)!!}\theta(\vec{R_m}-\vec{R}_a)} \\ & =FFT\left(\sum_{a,l\mu} {Q_{l\mu}^a \frac{R_{l\mu}(\nabla_a)}{(2l-1)!!}\theta(\vec{R}_m-\vec{R}_a)}\right) \\ & =FFT\left(Q(\vec{m})\right) \end{align} } \]

Here, \(Q(\vec{m})\) is the "spreading" of moments on real space grid.

And the energy is:

\[ \displaylines{ E_{recip} = \sum_{\vec{k}\neq 0} {\frac{2\pi}{Vk^2}\exp\left[\frac{k^2}{4\kappa^2}\right]\left|S(\vec{k})\right|^2}\frac{1}{\left|\theta(\vec{k})\right|^2} \\ \theta(\vec{k}) = \theta(k_1)\theta(k_2)\theta(k_3) \\ \theta(k) = \sum_{m=-n/2}^{n/2} {M_n\left(m+\frac{n}{2}\right)\exp\left(-2\pi i\frac{mk}{K}\right)} } \]

The expression for \(M_6(u)\)​​ and its derivatives (related to \(R_{l\mu}(\nabla_a)\theta(\vec{R}_m-\vec{R}_a)\)​​​) is (dervied by code):

\[ \displaylines{ M_6(u)=\begin{cases} \frac{u^{5}}{120} & 0 \le u \le 1 \\ \frac{u^{5}}{120} - \frac{\left(u - 1\right)^{5}}{20} & 1 \le u \le 2 \\ \frac{u^{5}}{120} + \frac{\left(u - 2\right)^{5}}{8} - \frac{\left(u - 1\right)^{5}}{20} & 2 \le u \le 3 \\ \frac{u^{5}}{120} - \frac{\left(u - 3\right)^{5}}{6} + \frac{\left(u - 2\right)^{5}}{8} - \frac{\left(u - 1\right)^{5}}{20} & 3 \le u \le 4 \\ \frac{u^{5}}{24} - u^{4} + \frac{19 u^{3}}{2} - \frac{89 u^{2}}{2} + \frac{409 u}{4} - \frac{1829}{20} & 4 \le u \le 5 \\ - \frac{u^{5}}{120} + \frac{u^{4}}{4} - 3 u^{3} + 18 u^{2} - 54 u + \frac{324}{5} & 5 \le u \le 6 \\ \end{cases} } \]
\[ \displaylines{ M'_6(u)=\begin{cases} \frac{u^{4}}{24} & 0 \le u \le 1 \\ \frac{u^{4}}{24} - \frac{\left(u - 1\right)^{4}}{4} & 1 \le u \le 2 \\ \frac{u^{4}}{24} + \frac{5 \left(u - 2\right)^{4}}{8} - \frac{\left(u - 1\right)^{4}}{4} & 2 \le u \le 3 \\ - \frac{5 u^{4}}{12} + 6 u^{3} - \frac{63 u^{2}}{2} + 71 u - \frac{231}{4} & 3 \le u \le 4 \\ \frac{5 u^{4}}{24} - 4 u^{3} + \frac{57 u^{2}}{2} - 89 u + \frac{409}{4} & 4 \le u \le 5 \\ - \frac{u^{4}}{24} + u^{3} - 9 u^{2} + 36 u - 54 & 5 \le u \le 6 \\ \end{cases} } \]
\[ \displaylines{ M''_6(u)=\begin{cases} \frac{u^{3}}{6} & 0 \le u \le 1 \\ \frac{u^{3}}{6} - \left(u - 1\right)^{3} & 1 \le u \le 2 \\ \frac{5 u^{3}}{3} - 12 u^{2} + 27 u - 19 & 2 \le u \le 3 \\ - \frac{5 u^{3}}{3} + 18 u^{2} - 63 u + 71 & 3 \le u \le 4 \\ \frac{5 u^{3}}{6} - 12 u^{2} + 57 u - 89 & 4 \le u \le 5 \\ - \frac{u^{3}}{6} + 3 u^{2} - 18 u + 36 & 5 \le u \le 6 \\ \end{cases} } \]

And we have something like:

\[ \displaylines{ \partial_\alpha\partial_\beta \theta(\vec{R}_m-\vec{R}_a) = (2\pi)^2 \frac{K_\alpha K_\beta}{L_\alpha L_\beta} M'_\alpha M'_\beta M_\gamma \\ \partial_\alpha^2 \theta(\vec{R}_m-\vec{R}_a) = (2\pi)^2 \left(\frac{K_\alpha}{L_\alpha}\right)^2 M''_\alpha M_\beta M_\gamma } \]

Also, be aware of the position of \(R_a\), taking derivative w.r.t \(a\) (i.e., the \(\nabla_a\)) gives a \((-1)^l\) term!!!

FFP Method

  • The real space part is the same as Ewald, but simply replacing \(\kappa\) with \(\kappa/\sqrt{2}\)​.
  • There is no self term.
  • The reciprocal space part is computed as following:

First define the gaussian multipole function

\[ \displaylines{ \chi_{l \mu}\left(\vec{r}-\vec{R}_{a}\right)=\frac{C_{l \mu}\left(\vec{r}-\vec{R}_{a}\right)}{(2 l-1) ! !}(2 \kappa^2)^{l}\left(\frac{\kappa^2}{\pi}\right)^{3 / 2} \mathrm{e}^{-\kappa^2\left|\vec{r}-\vec{R}_{a}\right|^{2}} } \]

​ Then, use this function to spread moments on real space grid:

\[ Q(\vec{m}) = \sum_{a,l\mu} {Q_{l\mu}^a} \chi_{l\mu}(\vec{R}_m - \vec{R}_a) \]

​ Then do Fourier transform:

\[ \tilde{\rho}(\vec{k}) = \frac{V}{K}FFT(Q(\vec{m})) \]

​ And the energy is:

\[ E_{recip} = \sum_{\vec{k}\neq 0} {\frac{2\pi}{Vk^2}}\left|\tilde{\rho}(\vec{k})\right|^2 \]
  • This seems to be simpler to code, but maybe slower than PME.

Notes on the MPID Code:

  • NOTE! We may directly copy the real space code from MPID plugin (reference/src/SimTKReference/MPIDReferenceForce.cpp)! Just notice the key quantities in the calculatePmeDirectElectrostaticPairIxn are:
  • mScale: the scaling between permanent multipole interactions
  • pScale: the scaling between permanent and induced dipole
  • dScale: the scaling between induced-induced dipole (? not sure about this yet, seems to be equivalent to pScale)
  • rInvVec[n] is simply \(\frac{1}{r^n}\)​​
  • alphaRVec[n] is simply \(\kappa^n r^n\)
  • X is: $ 2\frac{\exp(-\kappa^2 r^2)}{\sqrt{\pi}}$​​

  • Regarding why the final energy is computed as the interactions between fixed multipoles and fixed multipoles + half induced dipoles. It can be understood as this:

The energy as a function of induced dipole moments (\(\mathbf{\mu}\)​) is effectively a quadratic function:

$$ E_{tot} = \frac{1}{2}\mathbf{\mu}^T\mathbf{K}\mathbf{\mu} - F^T\mathbf{\mu} $$

The first term contains the energy penalty for being polarized (the diagonal \(\frac{1}{2\alpha} \mu^2\)​​​ terms), and also the off-diagonal induced dipole - induced dipole interactions. \(\mathbf{K}\)​ must be symmetric, and \(F\)​, as a vector, is effectively the permanent electric field on each site. The second term is the interactions between induced dipole and fixed multipoles

Then we minimize \(E_{tot}\)​ with respect to \(\mu\), we obtain:

$$ \mathbf{K\mu} = F $$

Then we have the total energy:

$$ E_{tot} = \frac{1}{2}\mu^TF-F^T\mu=-\frac{1}{2} F^T\mu $$

That is, exactly the interactions between fixed multipole with half induced dipole (formally, without the induced dip - induced dip interaction!).

Notes on the Dispersion PME


​ Another extension for PME is the PME for potential with form \(C_iC_j/r^p\)​​ (e.g., dispersion interactions). See the original derivation in the Appendix A of:


​ Assuming that \(C_{ij}=\sqrt{C_iC_j}=c_ic_j\)​​ (suppose we define \(c_i=\sqrt{C_i}\)​​)

​ Then the basic Ewald energy (\(\sum_{i<j}c_ic_j/r^p\)) equations are:

\[ \displaylines{ E_{real} = \sum_{i<j} \frac{c_ic_j}{r^p}g_p(\kappa r_{ij}) \\ E_{recip} = \frac{\pi^{3/2}\kappa^{p-3}}{2V} \sum_\vec{k} f_p\left(\frac{k}{2\kappa}\right)\left|S(\vec{k})\right|^2 \\ E_{self} =-\frac{\kappa^p}{p\Gamma(p/2)}\sum_i c_i^2 } \]

In here, we have:

\[ \displaylines{ f_p(x) = \frac{2x^{p-3}}{\Gamma(p/2)}\int_x^{\infty}{s^{2-p}\exp(-s^2)ds} \\ g_p(x) = \frac{2}{\Gamma(p/2)}\int_x^{\infty}{s^{p-1}\exp(-s^2)ds} \\ S(\vec{k}) = \sum_i {c_i\exp(i\vec{k}\cdot\vec{r}_i)} } \]
  • The real space part:

​ The real space part mainly depends on \(g_p\)​, for dispersion, we have the following recursive relationship for \(g\):

\[ \displaylines{ \begin{align} g_2(x) &= \exp(-x^2) \\ g_p(x) &= \frac{x^{p-2}}{\Gamma\left(\frac{p}2{}\right)}\exp(-x^2) + g_{p-2}(x) \end{align} } \]

Therefore, we have:

\[ \displaylines{ \begin{align} g_6 & = \left(1+x^2+\frac{1}{2}x^4\right)\exp(-x^2) \\ g_8 & = \left(1+x^2+\frac{1}{2}x^4 + \frac{1}{6}x^6\right)\exp(-x^2) \\ g_{10} & = \left(1+x^2+\frac{1}{2}x^4 + \frac{1}{6}x^6 + \frac{1}{24}x^8\right)\exp(-x^2) \end{align} } \]
  • The reciprocal space part:

The recursive relation of \(f_p\)​ is:

\[ \displaylines{ \begin{align} f_2(x) & = \frac{\sqrt{\pi}}{x} \text{erfc}(x) \\ f_p(x) & = \frac{2}{(p-3)\Gamma\left(\frac{p}{2}\right)}\exp(-x^2) - \frac{4 x^2}{(p-2)(p-3)}f_{p-2}(x) \end{align} } \]

Therefore, we have:

\[ \displaylines{ \begin{align} f_6 & = \left(\frac{1}{3} - \frac{2}{3}x^2\right) \exp(-x^2) + \frac{2}{3}x^3 \sqrt{\pi}\cdot\text{erfc}(x) \\ f_8 & = \left(\frac{1}{15} - \frac{2}{45}x^2 +\frac{4}{45}x^4\right) \exp(-x^2) - \frac{4}{45}x^5 \sqrt{\pi}\cdot\text{erfc}(x) \\ f_{10} &= \left(\frac{1}{84} - \frac{1}{210}x^2 +\frac{1}{315}x^4 - \frac{2}{315}x^6\right) \exp(-x^2) + \frac{2}{315}x^7 \sqrt{\pi}\cdot\text{erfc}(x) \end{align} } \]

NOTE: compare to the \(p=1\) (Coulombic interaction case), the \(\vec{k} = 0\) term is well defined and should not be dropped!

  • So literally, you can simply take the monopole (charge) PME code (use \(\sqrt{C_i}\) as charges), and do the following changes:

  • In real space:

$$ \operatorname{erfc}(\kappa r) \rightarrow g_p(\kappa r) $$

  • In reciprocal space:

$$ \frac{2\pi}{Vk^2}\exp\left(-\frac{k^2}{4\kappa^2}\right) \rightarrow \frac{\pi^{3/2}\kappa^{p-3}}{2V}f_p\left(\frac{k}{2\kappa}\right) $$

And include the \(\Gamma\) point in the reciprocal space summation.

  • In self-energy:

$$ \frac{\kappa}{\sqrt{\pi}} \rightarrow \frac{\kappa^p}{p\Gamma(p/2)} $$

That is it!